Viewing Running Postgres Queries (and what if they are too long??)

There can be many times when knowing what queries are currently running on a Postgres server can be helpful to know.  It is pretty well known that the system pg_stat_activity table can get you this information.  Just run the following query: SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; The resulting record set contains a bunch of information but …

Running a command line executable in Java with redirected output???

First off there are some awesome new features coming very soon to SpatialKey!  I can’t let the cat completely out of the bag, but by reading this article you may get some idea of what is coming… One of the requirements for SpatialKey that has come up is the necessity to execute a command line …

New SpatialKey Article – How to: Export Your Data to CSV from a Database

SpatialKey needs good CSV data to work against!  In many cases an organizations data is not in CSV files, but locked away in a database. Most (if not all) databases have the capability of getting table based data into a CSV format, but they are all different in the process and complexity of doing so.  …