The Server Tech of SpatialKey

SpatialKey has been in private beta for some time now and things are going great!  If you have not yet tried SpatialKey but would like to do so, please jump over to and sign up for the beta.  We are pretty quick about getting people access, so do not be discouraged by the posted two week time frame listed.

With that out of the way, I thought I would talk a bit over the next few blog posts about the server side technology of SpatialKey.  SpatialKey is a rich internet application and shows off much of the true power of complex data visualizations that Adobe Flex brings to the table (for more, see Doug McCune’s blog here) but what most never see is the server code in the back that does much of the heavy lifting.  I am especially proud of  what we can do on the server (especially being the server architect :-)) and how we have leveraged open source technologies to great success!  I certainly cannot take all of the credit and would like to thank the others that have worked on the server code as well, including Brandon Purcell, Reggie Wilbanks, Ben Stucki, and Andy Powell.  If I missed anyone else I thank you too!

Just to whet your whistle some of the technologies I will be discussing include: JBoss, Spring, Hibernate, Postgres, Railo, and others…

Some of the topics for discussion will include: CSV parsing headaches, how we handle all of those different date formats, how to dynamically create Spring schedules from code, amongst others… so stay tuned.

Wow! What a crazy couple of months!

Working at UniversalMind has been an amazing experience so far. The quality of work that the company puts out is really second to none.

I have been very fortunate to be able to work on UM’s SpatialKey product, running the server development effort. I don’t want to toot my own horn, ok… well maybe I do ;-)… but it is AWESOME!

If you have not seen/heard about SpatialKey, we are re-launching our website and moving into private (invite based beta). Things are really getting exciting! I will post more later today or tomorrow with the detail on the how, what, and why of SpatailKey and how to get into the beta.

All for now!

Hello from the Dark Side!!

Welcome to all to my new Blog…

I have resisted blogging up to now as I just have no ego at all for this sort of thing… but here goes!

First a little about me:

  1. What do I do?  I am a software architect with Universal Mind (just started and loving it).
  2. What am I in to?  All things technology, software development, books, movies, music, and politics
  3. What will be in this blog?  Anything related to the above… but I mainly hope to use the blog as a community device for discussing everything related to Adobe RIA development.

Ok, enough for a first post… back to work!